

政策最近修改:2月10日. 8, 2021

We at Saint 竞技宝app下载安装 (“SAU”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this Policy. This Policy describes the type of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the Website, 还有我们的收集方法, 使用, 并公开这些信息.


  • 在本网站.
  • 您与本网站之间的电子邮件和其他电子信息.


  • Offline or through any other means, including on any website operated by any third party; or
  • 通过任何第三方,包括通过可能链接到本网站或可从本网站访问的内容.

请仔细阅读本政策. 通过访问或使用本网站,您同意本政策. 如果您不同意我们的做法,您可以选择不使用我们的网站.

本政策可能会不时更改. 本政策最后更改的日期在本页的顶部注明. 您继续使用本网站即被视为接受这些变更, 所以请定期查看政策更新.

1. 我们收集的有关您的信息及收集方式

用户可在不披露个人信息的情况下访问本网站的某些功能. 本网站的某些部分可能需要用户注册一个帐户. 在帐户注册过程中, 您可能会被要求提交个人信息, 包括你的名字, 年龄, address, 电话号码, 还有一个有效的电子邮件地址.

当您使用我们的网站时, 我们可能会自动收集有关您设备的信息, 浏览行为, 和模式. 信息rmation concerning your computer hardware and software may be collected and shared with other Websites hosted by SAU, 包括你的IP地址, 浏览器类型, 浏览器版本, 操作系统, 域名, 访问日期和时间, 访问时间, 引用网站地址, 点击电子邮件, 以及采取的其他措施. This information is 使用d to provide general statistics about Website visitors and as otherwise provided in this Policy.

We may 使用 these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services. 我们自动收集的信息是统计数据,但可能包括个人信息, or we may maintain it or associate it with personal information we collect in other ways or receive from third parties.

我们使用的技术可能包括Cookies. cookie是网页服务器放在你电脑硬盘上的一个小文件. 本网站可能会使用cookie来帮助您使您的在线体验更加个性化. 本网站也可能包含被称为网络信标的电子图像. 网络信标用于编制有关本网站使用情况的汇总统计数据. 网络信标只收集一组有限的信息,包括一个cookie编号, 页面浏览的时间和日期以及web信标所在页面的描述.

2. 您在本网站提供的竞技宝app下载和论坛中分享的信息

Any personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data that you disclose through the communities, 论坛, 留言板, 聊天室或在本网站举办的其他公共在线论坛, 可被他人收集和使用. Caution should be exercised when giving out personal information to others in these public online 论坛.

3. 我们如何使用和分享您的信息

The information we collect may be 使用d in one or more of the following ways: to process your application, 个性化你的体验, 改善本网站, 来处理你对我们的疑问, 发送促销邮件和其他更新, 与本公司合法商业利益有关的其他营销目的, 履行您提供的任何其他目的, 或以您提供信息时我们可能描述的任何其他方式. 您的电子邮件地址用于回复您通过本网站提交的查询. 另外, 我们可能会追踪访问过的网页,以确定网站的哪些区域最受欢迎. 这些数据可用于提供定制的内容和广告.

您在本网站提供的个人信息可能会与第三方共享, 包括但不限于, 子公司, 子公司, 独立承包人, 以及服务提供商. All third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect personal information and they are limited to 使用 of personal information for specified purposes in accordance with the agreed upon services. SAU保留披露您的个人信息的权利, 不另行通知, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the law or comply with legal process served on SAU; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of SAU; and, (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of 使用rs of this Website or the public.

4. 您对我们如何使用和分享您的信息的选择

Our 使用 of your data is based upon consents obtained at the time you access this Website or provide information to us; by our legitimate business interests; by contracts entered by you, 包括我们的网站使用条款, or by contracts with our business partners and vendors that supply the data; and by our compliance with law. 我们努力为您提供有关您提供的个人信息的选择:

  • 您可以通过webmaster@sau与我们联系,要求退出对您的信息的某些使用.edu. We may not accommodate a request if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or ca使用 the information to be incorrect.
  • 如果您不希望通过电子邮件与您联系, 您可以通过我们电子邮件中的退出链接或通过webmaster@sau与我们联系来选择退出.edu.
  • 您可以将浏览器设置为拒绝全部或部分浏览器cookie, 或者在发送cookie时提醒您. 如果您禁用或拒绝cookies, 请注意本网站的某些部分可能无法访问或无法正常运行.
  • You should review the privacy statements of Websites you choose to visit via hyperlinks posted on this Website so that you can understand how those Websites collect, 使用和分享你的信息.  SAU is not responsible for the privacy policies or other content on third-party Websites accessed through this Website.

5. 13岁以下儿童

Our Website is not intended for children under 13 years of 年龄 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. 13岁以下的任何人不得向本网站或在本网站提供任何个人信息. 如果你未满13岁, do not 使用 or provide any information on this Website or on or through any of its features/register on the Website, 使用 any of the interactive or public comment features of this Website or provide any information about yourself to us, 包括你的名字, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 或您可能使用的任何屏幕名称或用户名. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without verification of parental consent, 我们会尽快删除这些信息. 如果你认为我们有任何关于13岁以下儿童的信息, 请通过webmaster@sau与我们联系.ed.

6. 信息安全

We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, 使用, 变更, 和信息披露. 然而,我们无法消除互联网使用中固有的所有安全和隐私风险. We cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website and any transmission is at your own risk. 我们不负责规避任何隐私设置或安全措施.

如果您选择在网站上创建个人资料或注册帐户, 您需要选择一个密码. 你必须保密你的密码,你不能与任何人分享这些信息. You should always log out of the Website before leaving it to prevent access to your information from subsequent 使用rs of that computer.

7. 违反通知

In the event we determine the occurrence of a data security incident involving data maintained by SAU and governed by this 隐私政策, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您, U.S. 邮寄,或法律允许的其他方式,尽快可行.

8. 您在加州的隐私权

加州居民每年可享受一次, 免费, 请求和获取有关我们披露的某些信息, 如果有任何, of certain categories of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. We do not share personal information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes; however, 加州居民可以直接向webmaster@sau提出此类请求.edu.

California residents who are registered 使用rs of the Services and are under the 年龄 of 18 are entitled, 根据加州法律, 要求并获得删除他们自己在服务上发布的内容和信息的权利. 您可以通过发送电子邮件至webmaster@sau请求此类删除.edu. 请注意,您的要求并不能确保完整或全面地删除材料. 例如, 您发布的材料可能会被其他用户或第三方重新发布或转发.

9. 通用数据保护条例(GDPR)隐私声明

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a privacy law that applies to persons located in the European Economic Area, 包括欧盟国家. 该等人士可就其个人资料提出要求, 它在哪里被处理, 为了什么目的. Persons located in the European Economic Area may also withdraw consent for data gathered by the University and may submit a request the University erase their personal data, 停止进一步散发数据, 并要求第三方停止处理数据. If you are located in the European Economic Area and wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, 请联系webmaster@tideofdreams.com或资料保护主任:


10. 使用条件、通知和修订

透过浏览本网站, you accept that your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Policy and the Website 使用条款, 包括损害赔偿限制, 争议仲裁, 以及爱荷华州法律的适用.

11. 未经请求的电子邮件,垃圾邮件 & 欺骗

您不得使用本网站发送未经请求的电子邮件. You may not send unsolicited email to this Website or to anyone whose 电子邮件地址 includes the domain name 使用d on this Website. You may not 使用 this domain name as a pseudonymous return 电子邮件地址 for any communications which you transmit from another location or through another service. 在使用本网站时,您不得冒充他人或欺骗他人的身份.

使用条款 版权


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